Tuesday, June 9, 2009

About this Blog

Throughout history, Chess - also known as "The game of kings" - was often restricted to a limited part of the population, namely kings and the aristocracy. Not untill the 16th Century did chess start to build up more attention and also study. The majority of this study has been devoted on the chess openings - the opening moves of a game are considered to be of critical importance because they determine the course of the game.

Although a large part of the possible opening moves have received extensive study through out the years, there still remains to this day a considerable amount of opening lines that have received little attention or haven't been covered at and hence could become "novelties". Looking for new, unexplored lines and tactical ideas in openings is also an important part of the chess training at the top-level. If Grandmasters do it then why shoudn't we too?

That's where ChessOpeningsMisc comes in... This blog is dedicated to help out players get the most out of  their openings. We will cover a variety of them, including openings that are; both tactical and positional, defensive or attacking, precaucious or gambiteer, popular or offbeat etc... Nevertheless, the  main objective remains to tap out into new or unexplored ideas,offbeat and uncommon openings, brand new theory and other opening "novelties" that can rock your game. The material covered here is intended to serve the tournament/competitive player who wants to enhance his play, however the lessons will be explained in such a way that even less experienced and intermediate players will be able to understand.

If you have any questions or ideas that you would like to share or explore then please let me know! If you would like to post an article or feature on of your games then that would be great. To stay connected with this blog you can subscribe by e-mail and you will get notified if there is a new post and you can also join with GoogleFriendconnect if you use blogger. Thanks for visiting and see you soon!